Saturday, November 7, 2020

Earth and Life Science | Core Subject in Senior High School

Department of Education | Senior High School

Earth and Life Science

Core Subject Description: 

    This learning area is designed to provide a general background for the understanding of Earth Science and Biology. It presents the history of the Earth through geologic time. It discusses the Earth’s structure, composition, and processes. Issues, concerns, and problems pertaining to natural hazards are also included. It also deals with the basic principles and processes in the study of biology. It covers life processes and interactions at the cellular, organism, population, and ecosystem levels.

1.       Recognize the uniqueness of Earth, being the only planet in the solar system with properties necessary to support life. (S11/12ES-Ia-e- 3)

Earth and Earth Systems:

Planet Earth and its Properties to Support Life:


2.       Explain that the Earth consists of four subsystems, across whose boundaries matter and energy flow. (S11/12ES-Ia-e- 4)

Earth and Earth Systems:

Earth Systems / Earth and its Four Subsystems: 

3.       Identify common rock-forming minerals using their physical and chemical properties. (S11/12ES-Ia-9)

Minerals and Rocks:

Minerals / Common Rock-forming Minerals and their physical and chemical properties:

4.       Classify rocks into igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. (S11/12ES-Ib-10)

Minerals and Rocks:

 Classification of Rocks:

5.      Explain how the products of weathering are carried away by erosion and deposited elsewhere (S11/12ES-Ib-12)

Exogenic Processes:


6.       Describe where the Earth’s internal heat comes from. (S11/12ES-Ib-14)

Endogenic Processes:


7.       describe how magma is formed (magmatism) (S11/12ES-Ic-15)

Endogenic Processes:


8.       Describe the physical and chemical changes in rocks due to changes in pressure and temperature (metamorphism) (S11/12ES-Ic-17)

9.       Compare and contrast the formation of the different types of igneous rocks (S11/12ES-Ic-18)

10.   Explain how the movement of plates leads to the formation of folds and faults (S11/12ES-Id-22)

11.   Describe how layers of rocks (stratified rocks) are formed (S11/12ES-Ie-25)

12.   Describe the different methods (relative and absolute dating) to determine the age of stratified rocks (S11/12ES-Ie-26)

13.   Explain how relative and absolute dating were used to determine the subdivisions of geologic time (S11/12ES-Ie-27)

14.   Describe how the Earth’s history can be interpreted from the geologic time scale (S11/12ES-Ie-29)

15.   Describe the various hazards that may happen in the event of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and landslides (S11/12ES-If-30)

16.   Using hazard maps, identify areas prone to hazards brought about by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and landslides (S11/12ES-If-31)

17.   Identify human activities that speed up or trigger landslides (S11/12ES-If-33)

18.   Using hazard maps, identify areas prone to hazards brought about by tropical cyclones, monsoons, floods, or ipo-ipo (S11/12ES-Ig-36)

19.   Describe how coastal processes result in coastal erosion, submersion, and saltwater intrusion (S11/12ES-Ih-38)

20.   cite ways to prevent or mitigate the impact of land development, waste disposal, and construction of structures on control coastal processes (S11/12ES-Ii-41)

I will be updating this page once I'm done editing and uploading the slideshow presentations. :)

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